Rotary Park featuring Horsetooth Reservoir

This family session brings us to an area in Fort Collins that I love! Located on the west side of the city, on the east side of Horsetooth Reservoir is this great place called Rotary Park. We were already camping up here at the county park so we were nice and close already!

This is another place I had to purchase a permit to take pictures at. Clients also have to purchase a yearly or daily permit to come here, but I really think it's worth it! I mean really, look at this view!!

This family came ready to go! I think they did an awesome job choosing their outfits. I know this is a hard job, since clients ask my advice all the time. One thing I always tell them is; when in doubt go with neutrals.

Taking kids pictures is one of my favorite things. Even if parents think their kids aren't smiling perfectly or posing the right way, I like the challenge to take a picture that shows their personality and not just that perfectly posed smile.

and then there is this cutie...

At this location I like to take pictures right around sunset so that I can get some pictures before and after the sun goes down. As the sun is fading you get that amazing golden glow. Then after the sun goes down behind Horsetooth rock you get more detail because the sun isn't shining so bright.

Here are some more pictures for your viewing. Enjoy! If you'd like to have a session at Rotary Park contact me at to set something up!